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The inaugural meeting of the Party branch of the CPC Conch Entrepreneurship and Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and the first party meeting were held successfully

Create_time:2022-03-16 Author:海创环保(上海).综合管理部.陈峥 Views:1864

On the afternoon of March 10, 2022, the founding meeting and the first party member meeting of the Party branch of the CPC Conch Venture Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was successfully held in the first conference room on the second floor of the company. Zhang Yan, the vice chairman and general manager of Haichuang (Shanghai), and all party members attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Comrade Zhang Yan, and Comrade Wei Xuepu carried out pre-election education and related information on the establishment of the Party branch.

Panorama of the meeting

The conference kicked off in the March of the Volunteers. The meeting discussed and adopted the "Election Measures for the Members of the Party Branch Committee of the CPC Conch Entrepreneurship and Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd." (draft) and the proposed list of scrutineers and vote counters.

On-site secret ballot

Members of the first branch committee of the Party branch were elected by secret ballot and differential election in strict accordance with the democratic election procedure. Subsequently, the CPC Haichuang Environmental Protection (Shanghai) Branch Committee held its first meeting and elected the branch secretary and member. Comrade Wei Xuepu was elected as the party branch secretary, Comrade Cheng Fangping was elected as the party branch propaganda member, and Comrade Wang Jinzhong was elected as the party branch organization member.

Wei Xuepu, newly elected secretary of the Party branch, made a summary speech

The successful convening of this party meeting marks the official establishment of the CPC Conch Venture Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., which is of great significance to further enrich the company's corporate culture, establish the company's corporate image, and exert the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization. In the future, the Party branch of the Company will, under the leadership of the superior Party organization, earnestly implement the Party's guidelines and policies, constantly absorb and develop new Party members, play an active role in the development and construction of the Company, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious society.

The conference closed in the solemn International Song

Editor's note: In order to further strengthen the construction of the company's party organization, standardize the management of party members, and give full play to the fighting fortress role of the party organization and the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members, Conch Venture Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. applied to the General Branch Committee of the CPC Wuhu Haichuang Industry Co., Ltd. in 2021 to prepare for the establishment of the party branch. Since applying for the establishment of the Party branch, the company's leaders have attached great importance to the preparation for the establishment of the Party branch and have carefully carried out the establishment of the Party branch; Party members of the company also responded positively and actively approached the party organization. On December 1, 2021, the General Branch Committee of the CPC Wuhu Haichuang Industrial Co., Ltd. officially approved the establishment of the branch committee of the CPC Conch Venture Environmental Protection Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
