Material culture is the cornerstone of Haichuang culture.

The materialized results created by the enterprise's production and operation are the products of the enterprise, which is the primary content of the material culture. Secondly, the corporate environment, corporate architecture, corporate advertising, product packaging design, etc. are all the contents of corporate material culture.

Behavior culture is the representation of Haichuang culture.

It refers to the activity culture generated by the employees in the production, operation, study and life of the enterprise, including the cultural phenomenon generated in the enterprise operation, education and publicity, interpersonal activities, cultural and sports activities. The Haichuang Civilized Code of Conduct is the actual embodiment and achievement of Haichuang employees' behavior culture.

Spiritual culture is the core of Haichuang culture.

Spiritual culture refers to a kind of spiritual achievement and cultural concept formed for a long time by the influence of certain social and cultural background and ideology in the production and operation process of enterprises. It is the sum of Haichuang spirit, business philosophy, business purpose and other ideologies.

System culture is the embodiment of Haichuang culture.

The institutional culture of the enterprise mainly includes three aspects: the enterprise leadership system, the enterprise organization and the enterprise management system. It is an adaptive culture that gives the behavior of enterprise employees a certain direction and way, and is a normative culture that restricts the behavior of enterprises and employees.
