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Haichuang Environmental Protection (Shanghai) organized and carried out the theme practical education activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

Create_time:2021-06-05 Author: 海创环保(上海).综合管理部.郭凯 Views:1567

In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, review the glorious history of the party, and educate and guide the party members to remember the purpose and mission of the party, on June 10, Haichuang Environmental Protection (Shanghai) organized more than 20 party members and employee representatives to carry out theme practice education activities in Jiaxing Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall.

Under the guidance of the commentator, everyone walked into the Nanhu Revolution Memorial Hall with reverence, and together they pursued the red memory and listened to the historical echo. We visited the exhibition halls of "Pioneering the World", "Exploring the Road to Salvation", and "The Establishment of the CPC", and along the 100 year glorious history of the CPC, we shared memories of the great epoch-making changes of the CPC from its establishment to its development.

During the visit, everyone carefully looked at each exhibit, read the relevant historical facts in detail, and truly felt the spirit of countless revolutionary martyrs for the cause of the Party and the people, who were resolute in pursuing their ideals, fearless of sacrifice, determined to pursue their ideals, and strengthened their revolutionary beliefs, and received an "immersion" spiritual baptism on the spot.

Through the implementation of the theme practical education activity to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the awareness of the party members and the party spirit of the company have been improved, the party spirit cultivation of the party members has been enhanced, the historical responsibility and mission of the party members have been further clarified, the glorious nature of the party members has always been maintained, and the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members has been better played.
